- Gavin
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Waagghh! - A quick update.
- Gavin
Posted by
Gavin Schofield
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Amazing New Forgeworld Tau
Posted by
Gavin Schofield
Labels: Forge World, Gavin, News / Rumors, Tau
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
40K in 50 Minutes - Part 1
I've set myself a small challenge - to assemble and fully paint and base five 500pt armies, for use in quick games of 40K. I've written the lists, and want to get this done by christmas. Many of the models I need are in my bits box, and the rest I can piece together quite cheaply. Without any further ado, here are my first list, the Blood Angels and Black Templars - I've ignored some requirements to make lists that I feel are more effective / characterful:
Posted by
Gavin Schofield
Labels: Army Lists, Black Templar, Blood Angels, Gavin, Space Marines
Monday, 21 September 2009
Speed-Painted Black Templar
To stop my brain imploding from the sheer amount of red I have to paint, I sometimes decide to paint a single stand alone model just to break it up. I recently set myself the task of painting a Black Templar in under 2 hours, and here it is. Click on the image for a close up view.
Also, here's an update on my Burnt Face Devastator, alongside my Templar for comparison.
The highlighting on the Black Templar is a bit rough around the edges (mainly because of the time limit I set myself), but I'm pretty pleased with it. The model was salvaged from a friends sprue where the spray paint was far too thick, so the details are a bit obscured as well. What do you think?
- Gavin
Posted by
Gavin Schofield
Labels: Black Templar, Blood Angels, Gavin, Painted Models, Space Marines, Speed Painting
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Blood Angels Combat Squad
Here's a quick update on my Blood Angels. I've almost finished painting five of the Tactical Marines from the AoBR box which only need basing to complete them. These are actually the five marines I started painting in my aborted Blood Angels painting guide, which shows how slow I paint!
These were pretty quick and dirty for me, my third combat squad on the table are looking a lot better than these - I'll post them as soon as they're painted (and based!).
- Gavin
Posted by
Gavin Schofield
Labels: Blood Angels, Gavin, Painted Models, Space Marines
Over ten years of rubbish - my old models.
I have now been painting 40K and Fantasy models for over 10 years, and posting pictures of them online for nearly 7. I missed my 10th anniversary by 2 months, but here's a belated selection of pictures from the last 10 years. I painted most of these models years ago and as such, they are painted and photographed awfully. You have been warned!
-Shas'O - Cyclic Ion Blaster, Missile Pod, Shield Generator, Bonded, HW Multi-Tracker
-1 Shas'vre Bodyguard - Burst Cannon, Missile Pod, Shield Generator, HW Multi-Tracker
-6 Man Stealth Team, Bonded, 2 Fusion Blasters, Shas'vre
-2 Man Fire-Knife Crisis Team, Plasma Rifle, Missile Pod, Multi-Tracker
Bonded w/ Shas'vre
-12 Fire Warriors, Bonded w/
Shas'ui w/ Target Lock / Markerlight
-12 Fire Warriors, Bonded w/
Shas'ui w/ Target Lock / Markerlight
-12 Fire Warriors, Bonded w/
Shas'ui w/ Target Lock / Markerlight
- 9 Man Tactical squad in Rhino (with Extra Armour)
- 5 Man Tactical squad with Missile Launcher
- 5 Man Tactical squad with Missile Launcher
- 10 Man Tactical squad with Heavy Bolter
Posted by
Gavin Schofield
Labels: Gavin, Imperial Guard, Old Stuff, Orks, Painted Models, Space Marines